Searching for Ropens

Cover of the Second Edition


ISBN  978-1-59594-153-4           



Spiritual, inspirational

True-life adventure


$16 U.S.


On the Back Cover

An American flight instructor, an Australian psychologist, many natives on a tropical island, an Australian couple, a Baptist minister, a teenaged farm boy—each saw a giant pterosaur that they’ll never forget. Each, with a different background, and at a different time and place in the South-west Pacific, was amazed, or terrified, or shocked by a brown or dark-colored featherless creature: long-tailed and with a wingspan as great as fifty feet. Why have most Western scientists been wrong about universal extinctions?  Read how standard models of evolution have been the problem: indoctrinating, for two centuries, millions into believing that pterosaurs are extinct and ancient. They live now.


Six American creationists, believing in the Bible more than in extinction, have trudged through jungles, searching for ropens and listening to eyewitnesses. Rejecting standard evolution and grasping eyewitness testimonies, they tell their stories: their struggles, disappointments, breakthroughs, and final success: the first video footage of the bioluminescent glow of two giant living pterosaurs.


Read about the passion of these explorers: why all of them returned to the United States believing that these creatures (with names like ropen, duwas, seklo-bali, wawanar, and indava) are living Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs.


Why was it believed that these “pterodactyls” were just Flying Fox bats? Tails of the largest bats are inches long; tails of the largest ropens are well over ten feet long. Also, ropens rest upright on tree trunks, not upside down from branches. And ropens control a bioluminescent glow; they use it to catch food on the reefs at night, unlike fruit bats.