Searching for Ropens

Detailed comparisons with the sales of

other cryptozoology books sold online


updated December 16, 2006

Cryptozoology A to Z           41,448


Searching for Ropens (#2) 119,590


Cryptozoology and the

Investigation of Lesser-     165,591

known Mystery Animals


Tales of the                        203,611

Jersey Devil


The Historical Bigfoot     212,969


Lake Monster Mysteries   235,810


Field Guide to

the Sasquatch                    268,853



Science &                         307,423



Field Guide to

Lake Monsters,                327,299

Sea Serpents . . .


Mysterious Creatures     400,487 average rankings of cryptozoology books sold, sampling seven times in 48 hours (Sep 21-23, 2006, those averaging under 500,000)

Whitcomb crypto-zoological search

Is a pterodactyl

still alive?


and evolution

The ropen and

Opai Village

Pterosaur of

Umboi Island

It’s a “duwas,”

not a “duah.”

Barnes & Noble online: the average rankings of cryptozoology books sold  (sampling Sep 16th to 22nd, 2006)

Cryptozoology A to Z       34,147


Bigfoot!: The True Story  44,313


Searching for Ropens        54,095


Mothman and Other          89,196

Curious Encounters                   




Some people may not consider SFR a pure cryptozoological book, as much of it includes non-standard scientific ideas, in particular, a refutation of the General Theory of Evolution. Nevertheless, as of early September, 2006, it seems to be the only book ever written primarily about the ropen.


As of late 2006, the only sources for

retail purchases were online.

How to buy

the ropen book


and the ropen

Length of the appendage

at the back of the head

The Beasts that

Hide from Man                     46,527


Cryptozoology A to Z          48,085


Searching for Ropens (#3)   82,719


Cryptozoology and the

Investigation of Lesser-       86,706   

known Mystery Animals


Nessie: The Legend             98,393


Dictionary of

Cryptozoology                   106,474


Dinosaurs: Dead or Alive  130,143


Tom Slick:

True Life Encounters         155,457

in Cryptozoology



Science & Speculation      249,559       





Amazon-United-Kingdom Sales (


Average rankings of best-selling cryptozoology books

(random samplings between Dec 1st and 12th, 2006)

Mothman and Other

Curious Encounters            270,296


Mothman: the Facts            289,659


Encyclopedia of

Cryptozoology                    308,855


Lake Monster Mysteries     311,253


Field Guide. . . Sasquatch   550,355         


The Loch Ness Monster:

and Other Lake Mysteries  602,179


Mysterious Creatures         646,510


In Search of

Prehistoric Survivors          877,964

(Lower numbers mean more books were sold.)