Results of Investigations Concerning Pterosaur Sightings In Papua New Guinea

Two Distinct Sources of Light

(Excerpts of original report are on the left; explanations by Whitcomb are on the right.)

Image Processing of Paul Nation Video


Image processing artifacts, which are not part of the ambient physical environment.  All other plates indicate a non-connection between the sources, hence the conclusion that both sources remain distinct. Thresholding Plate 25 further establishes this non-connection.  When a two-dimensional scan is implemented through the two sources a plot, as seen in Plate 25 artifact scan, indicates no emission between the sources.  Plate 25 B is therefore an artifact of  SCION indexing procedure, where all pixels are assigned dc values.  Below Plate 25 C clearly indicates the presence of background between the sources.  Dark zones within sources one and two are high intensity zones.

It seems that only one imaging process results in the possibility of one source for the two lights. When this Plate-25-B image is examined within the perspective of other processes of imaging (for example, Plate 25-C), it is seen that what is between the two targets is simply an artifact of one imaging process: There is actually background between the two targets. In other words, the two targets are separate sources of light.

Page 26 of R.I.C.P.S.P.N.G

“Plate 25”

“Plate 25-C”