Dragons, by whatever name, existed (at least in legends) in the past, in various cultures in various parts of the world. But could some of the accounts relate to real living creatures? Please consider some of the descriptions of dragons, then compare them with the dinosaurs and pterosaurs. A long tail is common, as is a reptilian-like appearance. Some, but not all, dragons were drawn with four legs. Some had wings. Evil and danger were associated with dragons of Europe, but not with those of China, where they were held in a positive light. And gigantic were some dragons. A sauropod dinosaur could be compared with a dragon, at least after we remove the wings but keep the four legs. According to the fossils, sauropods are the largest land creatures to have lived on the earth. What about a winged dragon that could exhale fire? Could such an animal have existed? Could it now exist? Consider the ropen of Umboi Island. One eyewitness described the glow of the nocturnal creature as red, like the glow from burning embers. The few witnesses who have seen a ropen in daylight mention an absence of feathers or an appearance somewhat like a “lizard." Those descriptions could be compared with a fire-breathing reptilian-like dragon. The mistake is in assuming that a bioluminescent glow is fire.
Greg Hedger is one of a number of Americans who have searched for potential living pterosaurs in North America. He has looked into the Brown Mountain lights of North Carolina. (Such flying lights may be related to the Marfa Lights of Texas.) Hedger is one of the earliest supporters of the expeditions of Rex Yapi, a native in Papua New Guinea. Yapi witnessed the ropen of Umboi Island years ago, and in recent years has been looking for the large nocturnal flying creature that has been described by cryptozoologists as a long-tailed pterosaur.
Copyright 2010-2021 Jonathan Whitcomb
the heads of three natives of Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea: Mesa Augustin, Gideon Koro, and Abram. The background is the harbor at Lab Lab.
Dragons, Dinosaurs, and Pterosaurs
sketch of two pterosaurs observed by Eskin Kuhn at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 1971
Are “ancient” and legendary creatures somehow related?
sketch by Patty Carson: head and part of wings of the ropen seen at Gitmo, Cuba, in about 1965
Ropen sightings are worldwide
This is the most common form of these featherless flying creatures: They have long tails like Rhamphorhynchoids.
Sketch by the eyewitness Eskin Kuhn
The Marfa Lights of southwest Texas have been compared with the flying lights of Papua New Guinea and with the Wawanar legend near southwest New Britain Island. The Wawanar is believed by some cryptozoologists to be the same flying creature that the natives of nearby Umboi Island call "ropen." As of late 2010, there still seems to be no direct evidence for the Marfa-Light connection, but at least a few cryptozoologists believe the ropen is a living pterosaur and the Marfa Lights may be related. Some of the circumstantial evidence relates to the apparent intelligent behavior of the flying lights in this part of Texas. They sometimes will split apart and separate horizontally before reversing direction and then coming back together, a little like line dancing or square dancing.
Mysterious flying lights in North America
Dragons in southwest Texas? If a new conjecture about Marfa Lights is correct, a group of bioluminescent flying predators may live in these mountains, visiting the Marfa area every few weeks, as part of a large area that the predators cover in their hunting. One part of their diet may be the big brown bat, although scavenging for dead animals, at night, may be a part of their mysterious nocturnal behavior.
Eskin Kuhn at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 1971 (holding his rifle)
United States Marine Eskin Kuhn, in 1971, saw two “pterodactyls” at close range, as they flew near the coast of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in clear daylight. He sketched what he had witnessed, with- in a few minutes of the sighting, and has, for decades, stood by his account of his encounter with the two large long-tailed featherless flying creatures. He has been interviewed many times, often by phone, by cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb.
Dragons, Dinosaurs, and Pterosaurs
By Jonathan David Whitcomb
Live Pterodactyls
Greg Hedger
The only non-fiction book about live pterosaurs reported across America, from Washington state to Florida and from California to Maine, and many states in between. It is now in its 3rd edition. According to Dale Reeder, "If you have an interest in cryptozoology you should read this." (comment for the first edition)
Live Pterosaurs in America
the heads of three natives of Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea: Mesa Augustin, Gideon Koro, and Abram. The background is the harbor at Lab Lab.
Dragons, Dinosaurs, and Pterosaurs
Are “ancient” and legendary creatures somehow related?
By Jonathan David Whitcomb
Dragons, by whatever name, existed (at least in legends) in the past, in various cultures in various parts of the world. But could some of the accounts relate to real living creatures? Please consider some of the descriptions of dragons, then compare them with the dinosaurs and pterosaurs. A long tail is common, as is a reptilian-like appearance. Some, but not all, dragons were drawn with four legs. Some had wings. Evil and danger were associated with dragons of Europe, but not with those of China, where they were held in a positive light. And gigantic were some dragons. A sauropod dinosaur could be compared with a dragon, at least after we remove the wings but keep the four legs. According to the fossils, sauropods are the largest land creatures to have lived on the earth. What about a winged dragon that could exhale fire? Could such an animal have existed? Could it now exist? Consider the ropen of Umboi Island. One eyewitness described the glow of the nocturnal creature as red, like the glow from burning embers. The few witnesses who have seen a ropen in daylight mention an absence of feathers or an appearance somewhat like a “lizard." Those descriptions could be compared with a fire-breathing reptilian-like dragon. The mistake is in assuming that a bioluminescent glow is fire.
Live Pterosaurs in America
The only non-fiction book about live pterosaurs reported across America, from Washington state to Florida and from California to Maine, and many states in between. It is now in its 3rd edition. According to Dale Reeder, "If you have an interest in cryptozoology you should read this." (comment for the first edition)
Greg Hedger
Mysterious flying lights in North America
Greg Hedger is one of a number of Americans who have searched for potential living pterosaurs in North America. He has looked into the Brown Mountain lights of North Carolina. (Such flying lights may be related to the Marfa Lights of Texas.) Hedger is one of the earliest supporters of the expeditions of Rex Yapi, a native in Papua New Guinea. Yapi witnessed the ropen of Umboi Island years ago, and in recent years has been looking for the large nocturnal flying creature that has been described by cryptozoologists as a long-tailed pterosaur.
The Marfa Lights of southwest Texas have been compared with the flying lights of Papua New Guinea and with the Wawanar legend near southwest New Britain Island. The Wawanar is believed by some cryptozoologists to be the same flying creature that the natives of nearby Umboi Island call "ropen." As of late 2010, there still seems to be no direct evidence for the Marfa-Light connection, but at least a few cryptozoologists believe the ropen is a living pterosaur and the Marfa Lights may be related. Some circumstantial evidence relates to the apparent intelligent behavior of the flying lights in this part of Texas. They sometimes will split apart and separate horizontally before reversing direction and then coming back together, a little like line dancing or square dancing.
Dragons in southwest Texas? If a new conjecture about Marfa Lights is correct, a group of bioluminescent flying predators may live in these mountains, visiting the Marfa area every few weeks, as part of a large area that the predators cover in their hunting. One part of their diet may be the big brown bat, although scavenging for dead animals, at night, may be a part of their mysterious nocturnal behavior.
Eskin Kuhn at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 1971 (holding his rifle) sketch of two pterosaurs observed by Eskin Kuhn at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 1971
Sketch by the eyewitness Eskin Kuhn
United States Marine Eskin Kuhn, in 1971, saw two “pterodactyls” at close range, as they flew near the coast of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in clear daylight. He sketched what he had witnessed, with- in a few minutes of the sighting, and has, for decades, stood by his account of his encounter with the two large long-tailed featherless flying creatures. He has been interviewed many times, often by phone, by cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb.
Copyright 2010-2021 Jonathan Whitcomb