About the Book and the Author

Cryptozoology seems like a new field of science, but it’s more of an open-
minded approach to investigating eyewitness testimonies of creatures not classified (in the Western scientific community) or not recognized as presently living.

Copyright 2010 Jonathan David Whitcomb

Live Pterosaurs in America, Second Edition, by Whitcomb

On the verge of the most astonishing discovery in the history of biology
Cryptozoology & Pterodactyls
(first edition) One reader said:
"I found this book very interesting . . . The problem with science is that we think we know it all and that is far from reality. This book shows courage to continue the search. If you have an interest in cryptozoology you should read this." (Dale Reeder, PA)
Nonfiction Book
Cryptozoology Book
By Jonathan David Whitcomb
Whitcomb Expedition
2004 Ropen Expedition
on Umboi Island, P.N.G.
Mobile Device Ready:
Live Pterosaurs in America
Concerning credible eyewitness accounts of living pterosaurs in the United States, LPA (second edition) may have more exciting reports of encounters than all other nonfiction cryptozoology books combined. It is the result of years of interviews and data analysis by the world's leading writer on this new field of study.
After examining home video footage of natives on a tropical island, Jonathan Whitcomb, a forensic videographer, became convinced that they were telling the truth about what they saw: a creature Westerners would label "pterodactyl." The deportment of the natives, while telling about their eyewitness encounters, gave them high credibility. Whitcomb
set aside his work in legal video, traveling to Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, to interview natives. He returned to the United States but not to his former profession. He became a writer, proclaiming
to the world the wonderful truth: Pterosaurs are still living.
Whitcomb has interviewed more American eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs than any other cryptozoologist has.
Whitcomb in Papua New Guinea
South Carolina Pterosaur
California sighting, 2009
Another reader of first edition was more enthusiastic:
" . . . you really did a wonderful job!!! You not only gave everyone more sightings than they can dispute (21 states!!!), but you also wove a descriptive and engaging ongoing investigation. . . . You are undeniably
a talent, and very astute with your subject matter. (And I have no doubt that you could write on any matter
you choose!!) Let those fools who
don't believe one day rue the day
they criticized your work." (S.W., SC)